Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tec with t day 32??

Well I'm still going strong. Have had some head pains...of little pressures in a few parts but overall...pretty dang good. No tummy symptoms on the Tecfidera...still doing pretty good as long as I don't get hungry. Hoping that subsides over time even further...but it doesn't require much food to calm the tiny bit of nausea...

Hope this dang thing is working!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 31 Tecfidera with t

So not much new...just some minor tummy aches once in a while but very minor...more like discomforts than she's. I'm eating les with the oils and that could be why...but hoping to get to a place where I'm eating a lot less and still keep from being sick...

Still never have had a I'm glad for that as they don't sound fun...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tec with t day 30

So far still so good.

I have had one or two days with some burning pain in the tummy. It feels like acid reflux, which I never had pre-tec, but it's not horrible. The thing is I just have to eat pretty decent amounts of food daily. I'm not a fan of that...and I'm sick of eating breakfast food honestly, but most in the world would say being required to eat a lot isn't the end of the world. I am stl hoping that after 45-60 days that I can taper back down. I don't think I've ever eaten a ton of food most of my life in comparison with most others...but I can look at a cookie and gain a pound. So I don't want to end up just so unpleasantly hefty that I'm depressed. Lol.

We will see...
Here's to the gym membership and working out just to keep from getting any worse off.


I'm not having any ms stuff going on...just those feelings on days when my allergies are overactive...but the daily allergy pill seems to keep things calm as well...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 25...and all is still well tec with t

Well we've got to say I'm officially over the hump. I still have a tiny bit of discomfort...but it's not hardly worth saying out loud.

I'll check back in and log if anything goes awry...and hopefully I'll report great results on my mri in 6 months...

I'm truly excited I made it over the hump....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 22 Tecfidera with t

The night was again uneventful. I'm very excited. Thinking I've made it to the other side...

Definitely some nights and days I could have done without getting here...but again, not so awful that it wasn't worth it.

Gotta think the advice of others helped as well...

Nice breakfast...minimum half a piece of sausage with a few bites of scrambled egg or a small order of a hash brown seems to have done it.

Bacon instead of sausage also worked.

Chicken seemed not the best answer for dinner...just seemed I needed a little more fat at first.

Gluten free pretzels snacked on at nautious moments helped perfectly as long as I didn't let myself get to hungry without eating. First sign of hunger...munch a pretzel or something.

If today.hours well...I'll enjoy calling the doc and Shauna his assistant to share the good news that I'm on the other side this week...

Shauna is awesome support!!! :-)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 21 tec with t

Well it's difficult to think I've made it over the mark...but I felt just fine all day long. There's a slight twinge of ghost oasis once in a blue moon but I think they are just so slight they are almost not worth mentioning. They scare me for a second...but then I realize they aren't coming back.

I'm staying steady on the eating program with a good protein and decent fat content...but I'm lightening up on the fat content daily and it's not effecting anything. So that's good. I'm drinking lots of water...haven't had the flushing once incidentally. I dropped the enteric coated aspirin regimen when I started feeling sick...just didn't want anything else on my tummy.

I'm having one of those allergy induced relapse moments but I would say they are more exacerbations than a true relapse...I was in the outdoors today for hours with the wind blowing like crazy. Someone else sneezed about twenty times after being outside with me. Since my allergies haven't been sneezy in years...I do think my ms gets kicked into gear.

That's the only thing making me wonder if I took a better immunosuppressive drug that is be better off...but we will see...we'll give this one a chance...

Just thanking God...all the prayer warriors...and my family for getting me through the crazy meds side effects...and into them maybe helping me...

Day 20 starting 21 tec with t

Well that freaking feeling of swallowing anti freeze and wondering how my tummy was going to get it out seems to have passed. I don't feel toxic tummy anymore. I'm almost scared to say that. Lol

I had a great day 20...starting a great day 21 with sleep two nights in a row...big day planned and hoping it stays the same. Stay tuned.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tec with t day 20

Last night was the most sleep I've had in a week and the last pain I've had in the same week.

The things I did differently...

Sat up straight when going to bed...propped myself up higher...
Took 15000 vitamin d plus vitamin k and a b12 before lying down.
Ate gluten free pasta w with 2.5 small meatballs (not very much pasta...probably 1/3 of the dish)...
Had a testosterone shot at the doc...almost forgot that...hmm...

Not sure which one was the ticket...or I'd it was just that day on the meds when the insanity stops a bit...

We we'll see...going the latter although if there's a secret formula...that's why I'm writing this....

I thought through why doctor block thinks Tecfidera isn't for me. He thinks I have lupus cerebritis vs. Ms...just his he would have taken a stronger immunomodulator...he tells me to look it up. There's no good diagnosis for that...but I don't have brain pressure and the symptoms don't sound like me to me...but I guess we will see. I do have innumerable lesions...and a spine with those don't seem tio be symptoms and circumstances that match.

That grandfather had lupus...and my family on my dad's side has a lot of rheumatoid's always a chance I suppose.

He also wanted me to look at e3. It's a female pregnancy hormone and he wanted to give it to me today. I said no because I like to research things myself and sometimes I think of him as very experimental. Lol. He had a 54 year old who has ms and has had it for 30 years and recently become disabled take it and she's had very good results. She just had to quit working...and he said he'd let me talk with her. I'll report on that once I do. Expect it will be in the next few days.

He also wants to give me hcg...seems to think pregnancy stuff simulation could be a help. He only has theories and I'm not sure I'm ready to be a ms doesn't feel that bad to me.

If I can keep it stable...I'm we will see...